Monday, April 13, 2015

Norse Colorado Berserker Post 1

I have been meaning to start a blog for sometime now, a place to put it all together, a place where things might take a firmer hold in my mind. My mind is typically going in many directions all at once which certainly tends to mirror my days. I am self-employed and I don't know how I keep it going, how is it possible for me to be doing all of these different things? That is but one question I would like to attempt to begin to answer for myself as I start to write this blog.

This blog is intended to be an exercise in writing as well as shameless self-promotion of these different sides of myself. My blog site is a good place to start to get an overview of my work and my life. I count this typically out of date website as a scrapbook of sorts or even a scoreboard for myself to track my progress in various areas. It started as my first personal website domain and has since acted as a launching pad for other websites who have since spun off and become something which now stands on their own.

The urge to create and express myself is always taking new directions and so hopefully this blog will be a good mouthpiece to fill in a few spaces between all of these various activities and maybe help me understand how they are related and how they all gel into my creative life.

Jason "Mutt" "Jasbo" Rogers

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